The central character of Léonor Serraille’s debut feature is the kind of person that always seems to be in some sort of trouble. We meet Paula just as her relationship of many years has come to an end. Her keys to her partner’s apartment somehow aren’t working, and she can’t figure out any other way to open the door. The only thing she has left from the relationship is a Persian cat, with whom she unwittingly roams the streets of Paris. She can’t really count on friends and family to help her out: her friends all seem fed up with her and her relationship with her mother is distant, to put it mildly. Paula remains optimistic though—she believes there’s always a silver lining. Her attempts to get her life back on track bring about a series of unexpected encounters that have a major impact on her life and worldview. Serraille tells a modern tale about confusion, but also about overcoming adversities. The film, much appreciated at Cannes, balances the darker side of everyday life with subtle humor and the contagious energy brought to the role of Paula by the brilliant Laetitia Dosch.
Léonor Serraille
Léonor Serraille
Emilie Noblet
Julie Roué
Laetitia Dosch, Souleymane Seye Ndiaye, Grégoire Monsaingeon, Jean-Christophe Folly, Nathalie Richard