At first sight Jeffrey Dahmer is no different than other teenagers. True—he’s got some problems at home, especially when his mother (Anne Heche) falls into bizarre attacks of madness, but mostly he just feels lonely. What adolescent boy doesn’t have similar experiences? But most of them don’t stare at a local jock while hiding in the bushes. And most of them definitely don’t study animal bodies, carrying out experiments on them in order to get familiar with their anatomy. In his senior year Jeffrey seems to be doing better socially, befriending a group of high school misfits, but these are only appearances. In fact, his thoughts are drifting into dark and dangerous places. Marc Meyers’ movie, based on a graphic novel by Dahmer’s actual schoolmate John “Derf” Backderf, paints the portrait of a school years of the infamous serial killer and cannibal. Meyers doesn’t try to understand the motives of the psychopath (played by Ross Lynch in an electrifyingly performance) or to determine what shaped him in this formative period of his life. Instead, he thoroughly examines the gradual process of social alienation, while depicting the toxicity of white masculinity and the cultural norms and expectations around it.
Marc Meyers
Marc Meyers
Daniel Katz
Ross Lynch, Anne Heche, Dallas Roberts, Alex Wolff, Tommy Nelson