The main character of Slovak director Juraj Lehotsky’s feature is 12-year-old Nina, whose whole world has just fallen apart. Everything she used to know suddenly looks alien to her the moment her parents decide to divorce. Instead of getting love and support from the people closest to her, she’s a witness to never-ending, bitter arguments. Her parents keep telling her they only want the best for her, but they’re really only thinking of themselves. Nina copes by escaping into swimming: the pool is the only place where she feels relatively safe, but to her dismay that changes too. When it turns out she might not be able to take part in a swimming competition, something snaps—she lets out all the emotions that have been boiling over inside of her, in quite an extreme way. Adopting a child’s perspective, Lehotský shows the grim effects of adults’ self-centered lack of responsibility on a defenseless victim. Nina’s attempts to make sense of what’s going on around her fail miserably, and her behavior is an expression of pure desperation. Lehotsky draws on his rich background as a documentary filmmaker, avoiding the use of any dizzying formal tricks to present a heartbreaking, universal story in the simplest way possible.
Juraj Lehotsky
Juraj Lehotsky, Marek Lescák
Noro Hudec
Ales Brezina
Bibiana Nováková, Robert Roth, Petra Fornayová, Josef Kleindienst, Miroslav Pollak