Rebecca Daily’s third movie is a case in point that a genre film can be an ideal platform to discuss contemporary issues that affect our lives in subtle ways. In Good Favour there are echoes of the immigration crisis and religious fanaticism, though the director, by building a complex web of intrigue, doesn’t make her intentions obvious. The film is built around the mystery that surrounds the main character. There isn’t much to say about the teenage boy: he appears out of nowhere one day in a Christian village, caught inside someone’s home. Anywhere else he would be considered a thief, but this community, in the name of Christian compassion, welcomes him with open arms. They also create a story around him as a 17-year-old named Tom who has lost his parents; they believe a painful past has taken its toll on him. The boy, played with bravado by Vincent Romeo, accepts the role they assign to him, but he gradually begins to reveal his true intentions. Although it turns out he had aroused certain suspicions from the very beginning...
Rebecca Daly
Rebecca Daly, Glenn Montgomery
Tibor Dingelstad
Rutger Reinders
Vincent Romeo, Clara Rugaard, Lars Brygmann, Alexandre Willaume,Victoria Mayer