Warsaw, 2030. It might seem that for Adam, a better tomorrow was… yesterday. He’s suffering from amnesia and he’s forced to start his life over from scratch, finding an apartment and starting work at a giant corporation. He meets an attractive woman named Goria at his new job, and quickly falls under her spell. Adam isn’t her usual type, so at first she’s dismissive, but eventually she gives in. Just as the romance starts heating up, Adam makes an amazing discovery: he finds an old radio in his new apartment that transmits broadcasts from the 1950s. As it turns out, it also emits teleportation waves. During one of his travels, Adam gets stuck in the year 1952. Alarmed at her lover’s absence, Goria undertakes the dangerous mission of bringing him back. Bodo Kox, who has been a legend of “off cinema” in Poland for years, still has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Following up his fascinating debut feature Dziewczyna z Szafy (The Girl from the Wardrobe), he tries his hand at a mix of classic love story and science fiction. He surprises and delights viewers with original ideas and a wild imagination, bringing to mind Piotr Szulkin himself.
Bodo Kox
Bodo Kox
Arkadiusz Tomiak, Dominik Danilczyk
Sandro Di Stefano
Olga Bołądź, Piotr Polak, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Helena Norowicz, Wojciech Zieliński