Many film directors believe that comedy is the most difficult genre, because it’s much easier to make viewers cry than to get them to laugh earnestly. But Noël Wells has taken on that challenge for her debut feature, in more ways than one. She plays Emily, a 20-something comedic actress trying to make it (without much success) in Los Angeles. When her ex-boyfriend calls with bad news, she decides to drop everything and go back to her hometown of Austin, Texas (which is actually a Mecca of American independent film). As fate would have it, she ends up living under the same roof as the aforementioned ex and his new and (of course) perfect girlfriend. Far from becoming friends, the two women start an underhanded cold war. Emily’s feeling of isolation is exacerbated by realizing how much the city she used to know so well has changed. New connections with like-minded outsiders are her only consolation. Wells’s debut features the kind of wonderfully witty dialogue that many of her more established colleagues would be proud to have in their repertoires.
Noël Wells
Noël Wells
Dagmar Weaver-Madsen
Ryan Miller
Noël Wells, Nick Thune, Britt Lower, Daniella Pineda, Andre Hyland