It’s difficult to imagine a more unusual love story. Him - an aging manager of a butchery spending lone evening in an abandoned apartment; her - at first glance a rather pesky quality controller. By pure coincidence, both reenact the same scene - they meet in their dreams as a buck and a deer. The unwelcoming interior of the abattoir becomes the birthplace of love between two socially different and distant characters. Still, the film is far away from a simple love story. ‘Spirit and body’ is also a great study of autism disorders which Maria (Alexandra Borbely) faces in an untypical way under the influence of her feelings. Ildiko Enyedi contrasts the liberating world of dreams with the embarrassing corporal reality limiting the protagonists. The film is also full of situational humour. After watching it you will remember Laura Marling’s song for a long time.
Zoltán Schneider
Ildikó Enyedi
Máté Herbai
Ádám Balázs
Alexandra Borbély, Géza Morcsányi